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From Stuttering to Speech Consciousness Reprogramming
3 Month Tailored ONE TO ONE Mentoring Program

Discover your Uniqueness, Regain your Communication Power 

Take your Voice up to the Universe

"Unlock the unlimited expression of your speech"
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Speech Transformational Healer, Consuelo Cannas, leads powerful souls with speech issues to regain their power and lead their voice to the world

A thorough 3 months program designed to work into and beyond the depth of your speech,

to eliminate all the traumas that are still holding you back from showing yourself to the world, that are holding you from acknowledging the power of your truth and your communication, to discover what purpose of your voice in this life is,  to remember that beyond your fear there's your miracle.

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Theta healing sessions are designed to clear the deepest patterns that are  holding your communication stubbornness; to remove the subconscious beliefs, energies and habits that are holding your fear and trapping your words.

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Give yourself the opportunity to turn your resistance and self sabotage in to the beauty of your spoken truth. Be ready to discover the main purpose of your voice in your life, and find your unique communication style. 

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Every session is focused on a pain point, to eliminate and replace with winning empowering  patterns.             

This way you will convert your limiting behaviours into miracles. 


This program is for you if

You have a stutter and you are already taking actions, using a speech technique that works and/or by facing your pain points on your own, but still have perplexing stammering and fears that are blocking your communication and career.


You are afraid of public speaking, of being seen and heard. And tend to escape from situations preferring to communicate in writing.

You're aware about your talents but you're afraid of visibility, of being judged and rejected. 

You are seeking a way to resolve your fear of speaking for good and re-story your life as you've ever desired.


Are you ready to connect to your divine intelligence, honour yourself and take actions on a daily basis and remember that you only have the answers and the solutions you've been searching for?

This program is NOT for you if

X You're not 100% committed to face your fears.

X You're not 100% committed to speak up.

X You believe someone else or something else other than you is responsible for your results.

X You're waiting for the magic wand to work for you instead of you, while you remain passive.

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Discover the rooted limiting patterns holding your stuttering inner voice

Allow yourself to connect to your Divine Intelligence to discover what is really sabotaging you from voicing yourself as you wish and as you are supposed to do naturally.


Eliminating Alphabet Taboos

You will know that you have the power to remove the subconscious traumas on specific words and combination of letters. eliminating the resistant "Alphabet Taboos" from the roots.

You deserve to feel proud of being the main character of your life and  putting yourself first. You deserve to know and feel that you are allowed to and it's safe for you to choose long-term happiness. And that it's possible for you to feel free to take action and speak up whenever you want with courage without fear. 

Heal your childhood flashbacks and reset your voice back to its natural fluency

Don't let your old schemes become and define your future! 

  • Be ready to go beyond from your Comfort Zone to the Limitless Knowledge Zone and witness all your rooted sabotaging behaviours getting fade;

  • Be ready to become the real protagonist on your stage free from fear of judgment, fear of speaking and fulfilling the dreams you've always desired.

Set your expression of your truth free with pride.

We will step into your childhood most distressing events to remove and transform the rooted traumas on stuttering, bullying, neglection, rejection, injustice and inherited genetic patterns, which have since blocked your free expression and the flow of your identity through it.

You deserve to remove all these damaging filters and regain your lost authenticity to let the new and real you shine.


Do you know that past lives play a huge role in speech disorder?

Allow yourself to close the energetic litigations that are still open, preventing them from repeat, and regain your power from past lives traumatic events!

The Fear of Speaking the Truth at the historic level is related to shocking events that happened during past lives. 

Usually, people with a stutter are unconsciously afraid of their huge power, as they have been killed for speaking their truth, and have experienced traumas that, for some reasons, carried onto this life as a karmic litigation.

Speech Consciousness 
The metaphysical path to take your Voice up to the Universe
3 Months Bespoke Program

Transform your Mindset Unleash your Speech

  • 9 x 60 minutes Theta Healing® sessions to clear limiting beliefs and patterns blocking your communication

  • 1 Bespoke Speech Transformational Recording to listen daily to unleash your Speech and support your mindset transformation

  • 30 minutes support call every week


RESULTS DISCLAIMER: The results stated above are personal as depend on individual client results. Results are not typical and these examples are used for reference purposes only. Results will vary according to your stuttering background, recovery journey, experience, commitment and practical actions you are committed to.

Why working with me?

I suffered from a severe condition of stuttering that had conditioned my life. For many years I've been cut out from social life and projects and I've avoided the use of the phone for 6 years. 

I've spent 25 years of my life:

  1. stuttering;

  2. searching for solutions to speak properly first;

  3. working hard to make a technique, that I had learned, work with success in every situations;

  4. then putting a lot of effort to improve my communication and regain my communicative identity;

  5. working on my subconscious with Theta Healing®, discovering that my remaining stuttering fragments were linked to my old traumas, emotions and feelings generated during my childhood in different areas: family, school, bullying, abuse, social environment, traumas around specific alphabet letters and words, fear of speaking my truth, social phobia, limiting patterns from my genetic lineage, hundreds past lives.

I was convinced that I would have never been able to fulfil my ambitions due to this problem.

I stopped crying and feeling sorry for myself. I chose to be happy and I started taking actions:

"Out of anger I started speaking at my fear on a daily basis,
warning it that I would win without conditions"

  •  I left my family very young and moved to a big city to study and work;

  •  I got my University degree with the highest score, giving an outstanding thesis presentation; 

  • I got proficiency in two more languages and I currently speak Italian, English and Chinese Mandarin;

  •  I lived, worked and studied around China, Singapore, India, Thailand, Hawaii for long periods getting melted with different languages and cultures on my own;

  • I published two books and presented them in public around Italy

  • I built and ran 6 successful businesses;

  • I got certified in Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda and I helped more than 2000 people in London;

  • I'm currently running YouTube channel, Podcasts, Zoom group meditations and Facebook lives.

These are all the reasons why I became an expert and qualified for doing what I do.

I worked hard to speak up and stand up for my truth to feel seen, heard, considered, wanted and accepted.

I discovered to be the only person to have my answers and the biggest power I've been seeking for a long time to make things happen.

I want to help you as I did with myself by guiding you to turn the impossible to possible, and the limited to limitless, from your Comfort Zone to your soul's Learning and Genius Zone.

You can step out of your fear and transform your life with pride.


"I am very grateful to Consuelo. I booked five sessions with her to heal and release my limited beliefs related to my hearing impairments. 

Now I can speak better and better (stuttering/stammering has been released. Before I had so many impediments while talking, people couldn't understand me and I felt so embarrassed), I better understand people when we talk face to face without asking them to repeat. I can understand faster than before what people say and a lot! Thank you, Consuelo! You are talented and amazing healer."

Cristina Munteanu, Cyprus


"I am 23 and have stuttered since I knew my self . Consuelo Cannas played a crucial role in enhancing my fluency. After 1 hour session with Consuelo Cannas I felt relieved of stress and my confidence and fluency are on the high side. I now speak up in meetings confidently. I am currently working on my public speaking skills trying to unlearn some repetitions and speaking behaviour learnt from years of stuttering.

Consuelo Cannas is really a scrumptious Theta Healer, she is friendly and is proficient in her approach. I recommend her services to everyone."

Ogbenna Favour, Nigeria 

About Consuelo Cannas

I am a Master Communication Healer, certified Theta Healing® Advanced Practitioner & Instructor

and Ayurveda & Panchakarma therapist, with 12 years experience in healing. I helped more than 2000 people from around the world.

I've overcome a severe condition of stuttering disorder, fear of express myself, social phobia, uterine fibroids, colitis, gastric, constipation, to become healthy, happy, and in control of my health and my life. Simultaneously I proudly got my University degree, I travelled the world, published two books and eventually set up 6 different businesses.

Regaining the use of my voice and my word has led me to work with over 2000 people from around the world including millionaires and celebrities, feeling loved and appreciated.

This way I'd like to help other people with the same speech disorder to feel strong and flourish as you deserve.

I will teach you how to fall in love with your voice and the way you speak. I will help you realize that you are the power you have been seeking and that you have the great ability to speak without fear and to make your speech interesting and stand out.

It's the time to let your power shine and become the miracle you want in your life.

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